• Patients can collect their prescription from the surgery or alternatively their local pharmacy can collect on their behalf.
  • Patients must order prescriptions online or via our 24 hour prescription telephone line. Please allow extra time when ordering your prescription. 


Sandyford is hosted by the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. It is the name of the specialised sexual health services for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, including both clinical and health improvement elements.

Sandyford works to the definition of sexual health in its widest sense as defined by the World Health Organisation. We have a vision to achieve the best sexual health and well being for the population of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

We aim to do this through 3 key objectives:

  • To work in partnership to address inequalities in sexual health
  • To maximise the impact of sexual health services
  • To focus specialist sexual health services on those who most need them by offering a tiered model of service and intervention provision approach